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In order to be apart of PBDS it is vital that you become a member before your first rehearsal or show. There are no cost implications, it just means that you have signed the necessary paperwork for insurance purposes.

If you are interested in treading the boards with our very friendly society, either as an acting member, backstage or simply as an associate member, contact Jack, our chairperson on to find out how to join. No matter what your talents, you can bring something to the society. The only thing we need you to bring with you is a sense of humour and fun!

The society normally puts on three to four productions a year, including a Pantomime. We meet most Mondays and Wednesdays in the Pratts Bottom Village Hall or Halstead Pavillion at 7.45pm. We look forward to meeting and greeting new members.

Do you know of any family members, friends or work colleagues who might be interested in being part of the next Panto in either a main part or maybe just in the chorus? 

You never know you might be the next Leonardo DiCaprio! 

From 2020 we have started our very own Technical Theatre Training programme. More more information on this please visit our Technical Theatre page. 

Book Tickets | 0333 666 3366

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Upcoming Productions

Alice in Wonderland Film Showing - Member only Event

27th April @ 7.15pm - PB Village Hall

Panto 2026

28th January - 31st January 2026


7th April 2025 @ 7.30pm - PB Village Hall - Open to public.


Lastest News

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